Iconic Badges of New Zealand

Published on 14 May 2024 at 15:32

Lapel Pins and Badges that represent some of the most iconic moments in our New Zealand history. BadgeWork has had the privaledge of helping make each of these pins a success by assisting with design, process selection, manufacture, packaging and sales.

The first badge is our 100 year NZRSA Poppy with the silver fern background commemorating the first 100 years since WW1. Poppies were the first flowers that grew on the Battlefields of Flanders during WW1. They are an international icon of hope and remembrance. The silver fern was placed on the graves of fallen Kiwi soldiers and a symbol that has long been used to distinguish the New Zealand military forces. This lapel pin is a great example of the soft enamel process.

The second badge celebrates New Zealand Maori Language Week, also known as Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, which is an annual event that takes place in the third week of September. and the lapel pin has been worn by thousands. BadgeWorks is also a Maori business and this is a great example of a gold plated, hard enamel pin.

 The third badge is the  WW100 Official Commemorative Lapel Pin/Badge which was offered to the New Zealand public as a way of commemorating The First World War Centenary from 2014 through 2019. This badge was a mixture of print and soft enamel black plated enamel pin which was a revolutionary new process for the manufacture of this badge.

The New Zealand Flag which is our most Iconic recognised symbol seen and used all over the world is a detailed gold plated, with printed stars enamel badge with a resin finish.

On the extreme right is the Police Remembrance Day Huia pin. Police staff throughout New Zealand will be wearing the Huia pin, which was  developed by the Police Association and New Zealand Police. Now lost to 

us, the Huia bird's tail plumage is something rare and special and to wear it is considered by Māori to be a great honour. By incorporating the Police chevron into the Huia tail feather, the design of the pin symbolises the honouring of someone special, now lost to the Police. It is a stamped nickle plated pin with a luminous green colour and it is a wonderful example of how a simple pin can make a lasting impression.


BadgeWorks is extremely proud of our involvement in all of the above pins.

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